Constanza Smita Ontaneda Rehman-Khedker was born in India and grew up in Perú, Brazil, Romania and the United States. She holds a BS in Fiber Science & Apparel Design from Cornell University, an MA in Latin American & Caribbean Studies from New York University and an MA in Creative Writing & Publishing from Western Colorado University.
She believes humans are made of stories, and, as such, are transformed by them. She founded FountKor because she knows the danger of one story, and the power of many. Within the many, FountKor is a channel for two distinct and converging groups whose voices are often underrepresented, unsung, and overlooked—women's and lgtbtq+. Due to her own biography, Constanza holds a special place in her heart for these two groups.
The power of stories is what has allowed her to transmute her own life and found three businesses that are of benefit to others—Give Soap, Input Wand and FountKor.
To know more, follow @constanzaontaneda, @inputwand, @givesoap, @fountkor, on Instagram and Facebook.